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BigFirmOnline Chat and Forums User Groups

User groups provide you with the ability to send instant messages to a group of users. User groups can be either personal (just the creator can see and send to it) or public (each member of the user group can see and send to it.)
You can find, create, or send messages to user groups from the "User Groups" window. In a web browser, you can get to this window by clicking on the "User Groups" link at the top of the main window. If you are using the Windows client, click on the user groups tab in the main window.
  1. Finding a User Group
  2. Creating or Modifying a User Group
  3. Sending a Message to a User Group
  1. Finding a User Group
    Click on "Find A User Group" from the user groups window. This will list any user groups that you are not currently subscribed to. To narrow down the list type any text in the "Search For" text field and click "Search". You can narrow the list down further by checking the "User groups I am a member of only" checkbox which means it will list only user groups that have been created and you have already been individually added as a member of the user group. Click (or double click in the Windows client) on any found user group to add it to your list of subscribed user groups.

  2. Creating or Modifying a User Group
    You can create a new user group by click on "Create A User Group" in the user groups window. To modify an existing user group, in a web browser, click on the user group name in your user group list, or in the Windows client, right click and choose "View Members and Details".

    If you are the creator (or have been given permission by the creator) of the user group, you will be able to add and remove members of the user group. In a web browser, to remove members, check the "Delete" checkbox next to each member to be removed and click "Save Changes". In the windows client, to remove a member, highlight a member and press the "Delete" key.

  3. Sending a Message to a User Group
    To send a message to a user group, in the web browser, click on the "Send a Message link" next to the user group name. In the Windows client, double click on the user group name. The sending window is the same as you would normally use to send an instant message to an individual user, with the addition of the option of sending to only users who are online, idle, or offline. This defaults to only online and idle users, so make sure you change it if you want the message to go to all members of the user group.