BigFirmOnline Chat and Forums chat rooms and forums allow the creator to restrict access to the discussion in various ways.
This is done through a list of members of the discussion.
The privileges of users who are not listed as members of the discussion depends on the properties of the discussion.
If it is marked as private, unlisted users have no access at all to the discussion.
If it is not private, then unlisted users can read the discussion, and can post to the discussion if the default users can post to discussion option is enabled.
Adding Members
In order to add new members to the discussion, you must first go the the members window.
A link to this can be found from within the modify discussion page.
From within the members page, select Add Members. You will then be taken to the User Search page to find the users you want to add.
Note that you will not be able to add non-Local users unless the discussion was created as world-wide.
User Options
For each user, you can specify any combination of the following options.
Ban User
If this option is enabled, the specified user will no longer be able to read or post to the discussion.
Del User
This option only appears in the Web Browser version. When changes are saved, any user who has this checkbox checked, will be removed from the discussion members. This means that they will then have the same access rights to the discussion that any unlisted user would have.
Email Posts
This option only appears in for forums, and not chat rooms. As long as this user has specified a valid email address, when any future article is posted to the discussion, they will be automatically emailed a copy of it. Users are able to check/uncheck this option from their subscribed discussions list.
Can Post
If this option is checked, the specified user will be able to post articles to the forum, or send messages to the chat room.
Can Add, Delete and Ban Users
If this option is selected, the specified user will be able to modify other user permissions for this discussion. Note that if they are not able to also modify the discussion, they will not be able to modify details for users who are able to, or give other users permission to modify the discussion.
Can Modify Discussion
If this option is selected, the specified user will be able to modify any of the discussion's properties. This includes the ability to delete the discussion.
Removing Members
The way you remove members from a discussion depends on whether you are using a Web Browser, or Windows. In the Web Browser, You just need to check the Delete User option, and save the changes. In Windows, you can just right-click on the user and choose Delete from discussion. After being removed, the user will revert to having the default permissions for any user not listed in the list of members. This included the ability to post if it is a public discussion that default users are allowed to post to. If you want to prohibit a particular user from such a discussion, you should use the Ban User option instead.