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Finding BigFirmOnline Chat and Forums Users

  1. In a Web Browser
  2. In Windows
  3. Search Options
    1. Match All Words
    2. Local Users Only
    3. Age Range
    4. Gender
  4. Results
  1. In a Web Browser
    Select the Find User link from the top of the main window.

  2. In Windows
    Select the Contacts tab in the main window, and click on Find User. Alternatively, select Find User from the Search menu.

  3. Search Options
    Enter a list of one or more words to search for and click search.
    1. Match All Words
      If you only want to see users that have all these words in their name, check the Match All Words option. Otherwise, it will find all users that contain at least one of these words in their name.
    2. Local Users Only
      If this option is checked, only users that are hosted on the Local BigFirmOnline Chat and Forums server will be found. Otherwise, any BigFirmOnline Chat and Forums users world-wide will be found.
    3. Age Range
      Only finds users whose age is within the given range. Note that if you specify any age range other than the default 0 to 999 range, then users who have not entered their date of birth will not be found.
    4. Gender
      If you specify a gender, only finds users who have that gender. Note that if a user has not specified their gender, then they will not be found if you search for a specific gender.

  4. Results
    After clicking search, you should soon see a list of matching users. If there are more than 50 matching users, then they will be displayed one page at a time. You can click on any user to see more details about them.