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BigFirmOnline Chat and Forums Chat Rooms

BigFirmOnline Chat and Forums chat rooms allow a group of users to all participate in a conversation simultaneously. Any user is free to create new chat rooms. Chat rooms can optionally be restricted to allow only certain users to have access to them.
  1. Finding a Chat Room
  2. Using a Chat Room
  3. Creating or Modifying a Chat Room
    1. Creating a New Chat Room
    2. Modifying a Chat Room
    3. Introduction
    4. Private
    5. Worldwide
    6. Adult
    7. Persistent
    8. Default users can Post to Chat Room
    9. Automatically Subscribe New Users
  1. Finding a Chat Room
    Chat Rooms that you have visited before are listed in your subscribed discussion list. Just click on one of these to go to the chat room. To find a chat room you haven't visited before, see finding forums and chat rooms

  2. Using a Chat Room
    Once you are in a chat room, just type something in the message box and press <Enter>. Other users can't see what you have typed until you press <Enter>. On the right side of the window, is a list of all users who are present. You can click (or double click if using Windows) on any user to find out more information about them. Normally any message you send can be seen by all users in the chat room. If you want to say something to just one other user, you can select their name in the send to list, any only they will see it. Any message which is sent to just one other user will appear in red. If a particular user is sending a lot of messages, that you would rather not see, you can ignore them. (by clicking on Ignore after their name in the user list in the web browser, or in the windows client, right click on them and choose ignore)

  3. Creating or Modifying a Chat Room
    1. Creating a new Chat Room
      In Windows, to create a new chat room, either click on the button in the Discussions Panel in the Main Window, or the option in the Create menu. In a web browser, click on the Create Chat Room link at the top of the main window.

      The only thing you have to enter is the name of the chat room. After entering any of the other optional values (which are described below), click on the Create button, and the chat room is created. It will be automatically added to your list of subscribed forums and chat rooms.

    2. Modifying a Chat Room
      You can only modify a chat room if you are the creator of it, or the creator has given you permission to modify it. In Windows, from in the Chat Room window, choose Modify from the Chat Room menu. In a Web Browser click on the Chat Config Link in the Chat Room window. You will then be shown the same information as in the Create Section and will be allowed to modify it.
    3. Introduction - This is a few lines of text that all users see every time they enter the chat room. It can say anything you want.
    4. Private - This makes the chat room only accessible by specified users. If this is not selected, all users will have access to the chat room. For information on specifying the users who are allowed to access that chat room see Specifying Private Chat Room and Forum Members.
    5. Worldwide - This option is only available to users who are allowed to create global chat rooms. Most users on this BigFirmOnline Chat and Forums Server are not allowed to. When a chat room is selected as global, users on other BigFirmOnline Chat and Forums servers will be able to access it. Note that a chat room can be both private and worldwide, in which case only specified users will still be able to access it, but those other users will be allowed to be on other BigFirmOnline Chat and Forums servers.
    6. Adult - This option indicates that this chat room is intended to be used only by adults.
    7. Persistent - This option makes that chat room remain even when no-one is using it anymore. Normally, chat rooms are automatically deleted after a while if no one uses them.
    8. Default users can Post to Chat Room - This option is normally enabled, but if you disable it, only specified users will be able post new messages to the chat room, but any user will still be able to read messages.
    9. Automatically Subscribe New Users - This option is only available to administrators. If enabled, all newly created users will automatically be subscribed to this chat room.